X-mid Solid 2 Mods Update

Last year when I received my X-Mid Solid 2 tent, I made some mods on it and wrote about them on this article, there’s even video there. Since then I received my Pro 2 and made some mods on it and then some updates listed here. I thought I need to make similar updates to my Solid 2 and here they are.

Apex guy lines

Instead of using the lines that came with the tent, I just went ahead and used DD Ironwire for maximum performance.

Pole cups

I like to keep the pole handles clean as possible and tip down the poles grip on to the soil well, so I added Tarptent Pole Cups to do it. The laces go in and out of the grommet and the cup has little velcro straps which hook in the base of the top dome of the handle.

Mid panel loops

I added Dutchware glow shock cords to mid panel loops. This is so that I can hook extra guylines to prevent buffeting and walls caving in high winds.

Optional Guy Lines

I had initially some guylines tied on the mid panel loops, but when there was no need to use them, they’d be just flapping in the wind and making noise, so I removed them and attached shock cord loops to them now. Then I made extra guys with hook Line Loks which can be easily attached and removed depending on if and where they are needed.

Hem Loops

I added Dutchware glow shock cord to mid panel hem loops to be able to cinch the hem down in uneven ground to prevent draughts and flapping. It’s a loop for two knots, creating essentially two different sized loops for adaptability.

Door Loops

The factory setup had a shock cord loop and a piece of line tied to it. I removed the extra line and added an additional loop of DD Ironwire. Now I can use the shock cord in normal conditions and the Ironwire loop in high winds to give the door seam more rigidity.

Inner Door Ties

Just as with Pro 2, I upgraded the Solid 2 inner door ties with 2x2 ring magnets for quick tie & untie. Each magnet weighs about 1g. Magnets are from Aliexpress.


MYOG - Burrito bag For x-Mid 2 Pro


X-Mid Pro 2 Mods