Walks: St Just - Cape Cornwall

St Just is a great starting point for a walk. It has free parking in the centre of town as well as good bus connections, and lots of cafes, bakeries and pubs. We parked the car, picked up some provisions for the day and headed off. From St Just there’s was a path with lots of nettles, then some country roads before reaching the coastal views.

After a while, the chimney of the Cape Cornwall mine can be seen in the distance.

View back towards St Just from the Cape Cornwall hill.

On the coastal path we came across Ballowall Barrow, a unique Bronze Age tomb.

There’s a walk over the hill before dropping down to National Trust car park and toilets, and then there’s a climb up to the chimney with the views.

After soaking in the views from the top of the hill, we continued on the SWCP up a pretty long hill. The path is wide and gravely, and had a fair number of cyclists on it.

The path then changed into more typical SWCP, up the hill. Then we started heading back inland towards St Just where our car was parked. In St Just, it’s worth visiting Moomaids cafe, which has probably the best ice cream in the UK and it’s made right here in Zennor, where they also have a cafe.


SWCP: North Devon Roadtrip


Walks: Tresco, St Mary, Isles of Scilly